Twitter usage is becoming more and more popular with a younger population. In fact, the youngest population surveyed (18-29) make up the most prevalent user group on Twitter. Now, that doesn’t mean their Facebook usage is ending. But, let’s think through why Twitter is becoming more popular with the next generation.
1) Celebrities are there that they can follow. On Facebook, you need to be approved friends of celebrities to cyber-stalk them. On Twitter, they can’t refuse you. Which leads us to…
2) It’s public. There are no cliques. The cool kids at school aren’t refusing your follow requests
3) Their friends are there. And their parents aren’t. The more popular a service becomes, the more viral it becomes. As their friends join, so do they.
4) It’s mobile-friendly. 140-character status maximums are perfect for mobile phone brevity. Of course, Facebook can be equally mobile. But, Twitter is the closest equivalent to public texting.