On February 16, 2010, YAHOO!’s advertiser Master Terms and Conditions and Program Terms will be modified to reflect recent changes to their products and services. Please review the new version here as you continue to use YAHOO! advertising products on and after it changes on February 16th.
You can also view the current Master Terms and Conditions and Programs Terms, which will stay in effect until February 15th here. The new modified version will be found at that same URL.
The changes made to the Mater Terms and Conditions and Program Terms include, but are not limited to, the following areas:
- Removal of some Programs that have been discontinued
- Addition of two new Programs
- Liberalization of cancellation rights in the Display Advertising Program Terms
- Clarification of data usage rights
Please note that certain Program Terms within the new Master Terms and Conditions will not apply to you if you have not enrolled in those Programs.