Yahoo’s view point on the big Microsoft/Yahoo search and advertising deal is that the company will benefit both Microsoft and Yahoo’s advertisers, as well as consumers and publishers.
Advertisers will benefit because it will increase search volume, which means both Bing and Yahoo being taken into consideration. Consumers will benefit from this because by combining advertisers from both properties, there will be more people to deliver sponsored results from, which Yahoo says will mean increased relevance. This will help Yahoo, Bing, and their publisher partners with increased liquidity, participation, and relevance; a major plus for them.
According to David Pann, VP Yahoo! Search Advertising, the migration across all international markets will in the next year or so, but they won’t rush it at the expense of quality. “Our focus is really about developing a plan that is smooth, seamless, and with quality. So we anticipate doing the U.S. migration sometime before the holiday season in 2010,” said Pann.