For those who always saw Google as the insurmountable search engine, don’t write Yahoo off just yet. ComScore’s monthly rankings for July showed Yahoo’s unique visitor count beat out Google’s. Windy City Strategies suggests just how Yahoo achieved their ranks.
During July, Yahoo beat Google’s number of unique visits by 4.3 million. Many people ignore this accomplishment, however, because ComScore’s ranking has yet to add the growing community of strictly mobile users. Still Marissa Meyer, Yahoo’s CEO, deserves some credit. Her efforts in redesigning Yahoo’s sites and apps have proved advantageous. The apps new user friendly interfaces have attracted more people, and the numbers show it.
Another strong point results from last month’s purchase of Tumblr. The picture blogging website landed the #28 spot independently with over 38 million unique visitors. Yahoo’s growth over the past year is impressive, and Yahoo’s shares have risen 75% during Meyer’s career.
Lastly, this accomplishment is a good sign for Yahoo, especially because ComScore hasn’t ranked Yahoo number one since early 2011. Yahoo’s endeavor’s under Meyer’s leadership has ended Yahoo’s competition lull and concession.
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