In November, Sony Ericsson announced its new smartphone, the Xperia X10. The much anticipated by mobile enthusiasts is expected to give popular phones (the iPhone, Google) some serious and quite interesting competition. At the recent Consumer Electronics Show (CES), Sony Ericsson was of course demonstrating this device.
“The XPERIA X10 is a fantastic example of our make believe philosophy because we are pushing the boundaries of what is possible and demonstrating that anything consumers can imagine, we can make possible,” Rikko Sakaguchi, EVP and Chief Creation Officer, Sony Ericsson said. “With the X10, we are raising the bar we have set ourselves with entertainment-rich phones like Aino and Satio by making communication more fun and playful, multiplying and enriching opportunities to connect.”
A couple of the device’s interesting features include “Timescape” and “Mediascape”. Timescape provides users with a chronological collection of all their communication (email, Facebook, text messages, phone calls, etc.) on the phone in a single place. Mediascape is a similar functionality, but it stores music, videos and photos. It also has some cool facial-recognition functionality.
“The XPERIA X10 and the family of phones launching in the first half of 2010 underpin our commitment to an open and multi-platform strategy that maximizes choice for the consumer and delivers the best possible consumer experience,” says Bert Nordberg, President, Sony Ericsson. “The reaction from our global operator partners to the XPERIA X10 has been extremely positive and we will be rolling out across the world including Japan from the first half of 2010.”
US release date is unknown at this time.