Google Analytics is used to find the best keywords and move the budget to the highest converting keywords. However, what if you’re looking to expand the keyword lists? This is how you can leverage other free Google tools to optimize your marketing campaigns beyond Google Analytics.
1) Take a look at the best performing keywords from your Google Analytics Keyword Report.
2) Take these keywords and your Web site’s URL and put them into the Search-based Keyword Tool to find the keywords not in your AdWords campaign. This tool is helpful because they’re specific to the site and keywords you define are based on actual past Google queries.
3) For each keyword identified, you can then use Google Insights for Search to see trends in what the world is searching for. Optimize through geotargeting to see where regional interest is highest.
You can also enter your top-performing keywords from Google Analytics directly into Google Insights for Search to identify top-related and rising searches. This tool can also expand your keyword lists to keep them current by staying on top of current and related search trends.