Pay-Per-Click advertising, or paid search advertising, is a rapidly growing Internet marketing technique where sponsored links are purchased on search engine results pages (SERP), websites, content sites, or blogs. With pay-per-click, or PPC, a business will pay a fee depending on the amounts of clicks or views of their ads, which are displayed on search engine page results when a user types in a specific keyword or phrase into the search engine. There are many benefits to running a PPC campaign. Windy City Strategies specializes in PPC management and will work with you to determine if this advertising method fits your business’ needs.
Cost effective- Since you only pay when a user clicks on your ad, this method can easier to manage costs. Businesses can also determine a maximum daily allowance to help control costs as well.
Faster Results- Since PPC is not an organic search engine, although beneficial when used in conjunction, the ads can be launched at a much quicker pace, allowing for immediate results.
Custom Reporting and Tools- Since there is real-time tracking, will you receive custom monthly reports. A benefit of this report will allow you to see how paid search traffic is contributing to your online sales and leads. Additional tools, like Google Analytics, will also allow you to keep track of your conversions.
Targeting Your Audience- With PPC, businesses can target a particular audience or area. You can keep it local or go global, it’s your call.
Testing Capability- Not only will the current ad campaign be monitored to measure for keyword effectiveness, but new marketing opportunities will be tested as well.
With many pay-per-click options like Google, Yahoo, and Bing, Windy City Strategies can help to find the right option for your business’ needs. At Windy City Strategies, our objective is to increase your web traffic, page views, and the time spent on each page all the while increasing the return on your investment. Contact us to have our team of professional Internet marketers customize your search engine optimization or pay-per-click campaigns today.