by zolton | Sep 27, 2011 | Google, Mobile Marketing
Google Wallet is officially live – for those of you who happen to have a Sprint Nexus S 4G phone and a Citi Mastercard at least. But, the rest of us can be excited about the future. This Google Wallet app, accessible via PIN, making it safer than your physical...
by zolton | Jun 9, 2011 | Mobile Marketing
Uh oh. You finally figured out what a QR code was, and now we’re moving on to the next big thing? Yes. Because, let’s be honest. There were a few success stories rolled out by the big players using QR codes. But the majority of QR code campaigns ended up...
by zolton | Jun 1, 2011 | Google, Mobile Marketing
Google Wallet is a mobile app designed to turn your phone into your wallet. You may have heard of near-field communication (NFC) that lets users swipe an object near a sensor to transmit information. (It’s how Mobile’s speed pass technology works.) And...