by zolton | May 14, 2014 | Mobile Marketing
Five months into 2014 and so much has changed. It seems like 2014 has begun a tipping year for brands and agencies to finally seriously start thinking about mobile in their marketing strategy. It’s a totally new media channel that requires simplification,...
by zolton | Jun 8, 2011 | Google, Mobile Marketing, search engine optimization, Social Media
Remember when Google was just a search engine? Actually, that’s still how many people think of one of the world’s biggest companies. Yet, you and I are much smarter than that. We know that Google’s much more than that. Yet, I don’t know what to...
by zolton | May 24, 2011 | Mobile Marketing
We’ve read the reports for years. Email is going extinct. Kids aren’t using it. They’re texting. And with the move to mobile, it seemed like texting would surely drill a decisive nail in the coffin of email. Yet, Return Path just released a study...