by zolton | Nov 11, 2010 | Mobile Marketing
Intel just released news that their 2012 CPU’s would include native support for super-fast USB 3.0. But, this is the same technology that Steve Jobs has been blaming Intel for not supporting. So, what’s going on? Does Steve Jobs think the digital future is...
by zolton | Oct 27, 2010 | Mobile Marketing
Apple’s 4th quarter results are in. And with record sales in Macs, iPhones and iPads, Apple secured both its highest revenue and earnings ever. $20.34 billion in revenue for a net quarterly profit of $4.31 billion, up from $2.53 billion in the same quarter last...
by zolton | Aug 11, 2010 | Mobile Marketing
Consumer Reports made big news recently when they were unable to recommend the new iPhone 4 because of the problems many consumers were have with its antenna malfunctions. To further add insult to injury, and rub salt in the wounds of Apple, Consumer Reports has now...