by zolton | Jun 13, 2011 | Social Media, Twitter
(…continued) Apple referenced iOS 5 as “the most extensive software update ever for iPhone, iPad and iPod Touch” and will be released in the Fall. It’s also free, and gives devices access to Apple’s also-new cloud storage streaming...
by zolton | Jun 13, 2011 | Mobile Marketing
When technology blogs used to write about Apple, they risked angering the majority of their readership by writing about such a “niche toy market”. Today, Apple is leading the technological evolution and industry titans from both sides of the PC-Mac aisle...
by zolton | Jun 3, 2011 | Google
When the industry moves, it seems like everyone company moves together. While Amazon and Google are making giant steps forward in cloud computing, Apple is about to announce their upcoming iCloud cloud computing service. What does iCloud mean for iTunes? What does it...