by zolton | Sep 21, 2011 | Facebook, Google, LinkedIn, Mobile Marketing, Social Media, Twitter
You walk in to your favorite restaurant in the city. You pull out your phone to brag to your friends, and possibly see that someone you know is there, too. So, what do you do? Check in to Foursquare, Google Places, Facebook Places, Yelp, or one of the many other...
by zolton | Jul 26, 2011 | Google, Local Advertising
Now that Google has almost a year under its belt with their local rating and reviews feature, they have removed third-party reviews from Google Places altogether. This was probably their plan all along. In order to popularize the service, the site needed to be helpful...
by zolton | Mar 21, 2011 | Google, Mobile Marketing
79% of U.S. mobile phone users have used their smart phones for shopping assistance. It’s not the future any longer. It’s now. You need a mobile strategy. And Google has just released some mobile strategy starting points. And the first part of that...
by zolton | Feb 2, 2011 | Google, Google AdWords, Local Advertising
As local results become increasingly more important in search, how can you compete against other locations in neighboring areas? Well, according to Google’s Matt Cutts, you really can’t. But, that’s the point. That a local vendor would show up in a...
by zolton | Dec 17, 2010 | Google, Local Advertising, search engine optimization
It’s not just talk anymore. You’ve probably been experiencing it. Your Google search results coming back more and more local. So, Google’s talking about what they’re doing. If you specify the location in your search, let’s say...