by zolton | Feb 1, 2011 | Google, Social Media, Twitter
It’s safe to say that Twitter is a big reason URL shortening services have gained popualarity lately. Twitter’s 140 character maximum encourages people to take advantage of any space-saving service. It’s also safe to say that URL-shortened links are...
by zolton | Oct 11, 2010 | Google, Mobile Marketing
Last week, we at Windy City Strategies reported on Google’s new URL shortener site, It turns out that there’s a really cool QR code feature built into these shortened URLs that many aren’t familiar with. In fact, many users might not even be...
by zolton | Oct 8, 2010 | Google, Google Analytics, Social Media, Twitter
Forget Forget Embrace Why? Because you don’t need a separate URL-shortener analytics tracker anymore. Yes, it’s nice that tracks your click-throughs. But, with automatic integration to your Google Analytics,