by zolton | Nov 29, 2010 | Facebook, Google, Google AdWords, Social Media
It’s no secret. Facebook and Google don’t like each other. And that’s understandable. They’re each other’s biggest threat. But, in the past, the companies have always played nice with each other. Said nice things about each other’s...
by zolton | Nov 19, 2010 | Facebook, Social Media
Do you want a new e-mail address? Well, if you’re signed up for Facebook you’re about to be able to get a e-mail address. But, don’t think it’s just about e-mail. Because CEO Mark Zuckerburg wants to make it clear that it’s...
by zolton | Oct 5, 2010 | Google
Google likes change. “Always evolving” probably describes them better than any digital company. And Gmail users may have noticed a few changes to hit their inbox lately. Priority inbox. De-threading options. But, there’s one you probably don’t...
by zolton | Sep 3, 2010 | Google, search engine optimization, Social Media, Twitter
How is this idea of a personal search engine not coming from Google? The start-up Greplin is now offering a personalized search engine that helps you search through “all your online data in one place, really fast”. After registering, Greplin continuously...
by zolton | Aug 27, 2010 | Google, Google AdWords, Mobile Marketing
Just yesterday at Windy City Strategies, we blogged about the release of Google Voice through Gmail. In less than 24 hours from the release, more than 1,000,000 free calls had been made. All signs point to this being a game changer. Not just a new convenience. But...