Google Gets Personal

Thought Google was smart enough to answer just about any question that came to mind? If you didn’t think that before you should now. Today Google announced a new feature that will be implemented when using the search tool. It allows you to find your own personal...

Google Releases Brilliant Email Snooze Button for Gmail

Let’s say you get an e-mail. It’s important. But, you just don’t have the time right now to respond to it. So, you leave it in your inbox. As long as you don’t delete it, you know you’ll get to it later. The only problem is that two weeks...

Google Reminds the Fatherless its Father's Day

On Father’s Day, Google did something pretty cute. If you logged into your GMail account, there was a little Google reminder to “Call dad.” Cute, no? Here’s the problem. Many people don’t have fathers. Some were abused by their father....

Are Google and Facebook Trying to Buy Skype?

Rumor has it that Skype, a voice and video chat provider, is in buy-out talks with both Facebook and Google, the two biggest potential players, and therefore the biggest potential victims of the losing side of a buy-out. Let’s think through the repercussions. If...