by zolton | Aug 12, 2011 | Facebook, search engine optimization, Social Media, Twitter
A recent study released by Outbrain shows that social media isn’t the huge traffic referral many assumed it was. In fact, the news aggregate, Drudge Report, refers twice as much traffic as Twitter and Facebook combined. Seriously. And notice, I listed Twitter...
by zolton | Jun 9, 2011 | Facebook, Social Media, Twitter
Everyone on the Web knows that Twitter is the “cool kids club”. That is, the club where “kids who think they’re cool” like to hang out. Full of celebrities, comedians, wannabe celebrities and comedians, and those who like to stay abreast...
by zolton | May 19, 2011 | Facebook, Social Media, Twitter
An audience stat study by Nielsen shows that the Drudge Report sends more traffic to news sites than do social media giants, Facebook and Twitter. In regards to the top 25 news sites in the U.S., the Drudge Report ranked as as a significant traffic driver to all but...
by zolton | Oct 15, 2010 | Google, Social Media, Twitter
Google is currently testing a feature that would incorporate real-time Twitter feeds into Google News. Individual users would be able to personalize their experience with those they follow on Twitter. So, let’s say you’re searching for a particular news...