Google TV Spot Hints +1 Chrome Extension

Have you seen Google’s “Dear Sophie” video? Apart from it being adorable, you also get a peek of something we can only assume is soon to come. If you look closely, you’ll see a little Google +1 extension within the Chrome extensions toolbar....

Klout Chrome Extension Helps Social Media Focus

The world of social media metrics is simply fascinating. And since we at Windy City Strategies specialize in evidence-based marketing, we were excited when Klout came out. One of the first Twitter rankers, providing you with your Klout score – a measurement of...

The Future of Personalized Spam Blocking is Here

So, while we’re waiting for Google to hand-pick and red-flag content farms, is there anything we can do to improve our search results until then? Well, I’m glad you asked. Google Chrome has released a Chrome extension for their Chrome browser that lets...

My6Sense Offers Tweet Prioritization

Some people read every Tweet in their feed. You know when you log on and it says 565 new messages? Some people go back and catch up. I think I did my first week or so, when I was still only following a handful of people. But once you go over the 100 follower mark,...