Internet marketers central challenge remains: how to survive search engine algorithm updates. With every change in the algorithm, internet marketers sit on the edge of their seats, waiting to see how the changes affected them. Our team Windy City Strategies, however, focuses on doing Internet marketing right. We’ve compiled a list of essential strategies to keep your Internet marketing campaigns unsusceptible to the ever-changing search engine environment.
1. Great Branding Brings Great Rankings: It’s no secret that the big brands have an advantage in their industries. They have bigger budgets, history, and prestige. They’re well known, and they have been. They didn’t gain fame overnight worrying about links and keywords. It took time to build their brand and earn recognition. It’s natural that they rank higher than small businesses known to a smaller community. Your business will naturally resonate anywhere with strong branding.
2. User Experience: Having overwhelming amounts of content may help search engines find your website, but it shouldn’t hinder users’ experience. You want an easy to navigate, user friendly, and good looking website. If people are returning to your website and sharing it, following you on social media sites, and participating as an active member of your business’s online community, you’re doing it right. Google wants to promote quality websites, so having an inviting environment is key.
3. Take Advantage of URL Seniority: URLs with history get more attention from Google. They’ve been around longer, and ranking these sites higher is like an award for persevering through search engines updates. When you’re adding a blog, new products or services, or even changing your business’s website completely, stick with the same URL. You’ve worked your way up the search engine results with that URL, and you have traction, don’t abandon camp.
To start an SEO campaign to withstand any search engine, contact Windy City Strategies today.