When you are searching for a restaurant or a specific store, what is the likeliness you will want your search ads to be locally relevant?
Earlier last month, Google shared some research that they had commissioned from Ipsos MediaCT and Purchased. Over 5,000 people were surveyed, in which they either through an online survey, or by logging their smartphone search and in-store activities into a mobile diary.
According to this research, 4 out 5 consumers said that they want search ads customized to their city, zip code, or their immediate surroundings. In addition, 76% of the surveys participants said that they search for local information from their computer or tablet from home, as well as 24% said that they do from work, and 18% from hotels. When it came to using their smartphones for searching locally, 53% say they search from home, 51% search on the go, and 41% search from the store or at the mall.
“Here’s what we learned,” states Bao Lam, Performance Ads Product Marketing Manager at Google. “People expect search ads to be relevant to their context and location. If they search for ‘car rental’ or ‘Mexican restaurant,’ they prefer ads that are customized to where they happen to be and that help them take the next steps in their shopping journey.”
Lam goes on to state, “More than 60% of consumers say they’ve used ads with location information like address, directions, phone number or a click-to-call button, and, more than 70% of consumers who have used location information in ads say that information is important. Consumers choose stores close to where they happen to be. 72% of consumers who searched for local information on their smartphone visited a store within 5 miles.”
With all things considered, it seems that search ads are playing an effective role in ensuring your customers can find you, especially when they are searching locally.
For help with advertising your business, as well as increasing your business’s presence online, contact Windy City Strategies.
By Stephanie Brown