Where do you go to buy your e-books? If you’re like most people, you’re not really sure yet.
Because while iTunes has become the huge frontrunner for online music sales, they’re quite behind the game in the e-books world. And that’s tough when the iPad is designed specifically for that format. Now, to be clear, you can buy digital books for the iPad. They’re actually in the iTunes store itself. But, not in the store alongside music, movies and audiobooks. You have to download the iBooks app from within the store. And then buy books within the app. The Kindle e-book process is quite similar.
But, here’s the problem. Many books are simply coming out in app form themselves. Interactive children’s books. Books with cinematic additions built-in. They’re not just text. They’re much more than that. And creating a separate app for the book is much easier than fitting into a digital book publisher’s pre-approved format.
And while this is great for the reader, how are they going to find these cool books in the first place if there’s no set digital library for them?