Many businesses are doing time-consuming processes the old-fashioned way. When there are tons of solutions that would instantly simplify an organization’s project management, HR and accounting tasks. The problem is, with a plethora of business apps coming to market by the day, how do you really know which apps might be best for you?
Introducing Appmatcher from Rackspace, a “matchmaking engine” that helps business find the perfect apps for their business based on their profile information.
Rackspace isn’t shying away from the online dating comparisons. That’s precisely the idea – helping businesses find that perfect application match “through automation and sophisticated targeting.”
The business profile you need to create to receive your perfect match suggestions include company size, department, industry and job title. Plus, you can also organize and review all of your apps with your AppMatcher Locker, and help other departments in your organization see the power of certain apps that may help your company. As more and more business apps come to market, Rackspace may be on the verge of something extremely valuable.