The New York Times was the first publication to successfully pioneer and profit on an online subscription system, wrongfully giving small media hope that they could do the same. That the system alone worked, not the fact that the New York Times is one of the most desired international news publications.
This market leader is updating their subscription-based plans, offering readers the ability to read up to 20 articles a month completely free of charge. The idea behind this was that many sites were linking to New York Times articles that their readers weren’t able to look at, since they didn’t have a subscription.
This new change hopes to engage new online prospects without angering them with a locked article, as well as making sure that their die-hards end up paying for a subscription. I like the idea. But I do want to know if it causes some moderate readers to read a little less, and avoid the subscription fee altogether?
The new subscription plans include a $15 package that includes unlimited web and mobile app access. The $20 package includes unlimited web and iPad app access. The $35 package is digital all-inclusive. And, every digital option comes free with an actual paper subscription.