Let’s be honest here.  The new Google Analytics has had a rough start since launching in March 2011, because many of the features that clients liked to get from us was just simply not available with the new Google Analytics, which is why they have left the Old Version available still.
The biggest gripe we at Windy City Strategies had was the fact that a lot of the features that we could customize into reports and email to clients, and reports that we wanted to put into PDF and send to them were not available in the new Google Analytics.  The report was there, but the features were not.
I am happy to say that these features are finally available as of April 2nd, 2012.
So where can you find this new feature?  Look in the newly-redesigned Utility Bar at the top of your favorite reports for Email and PDF Export options.
Standard reports, custom reports, and dashboards have this functionality.  If you click on the “Email” button on a dashboard, it will pull up the same email scheduling dialog as in standard reports and offers the same feature set.
Windy City Strategies will help your business soar in the ultra-competitive web marketplace through our proven Internet marketing campaigns. We manage Google, Yahoo and Bing accounts and offer pay per click campaign management services as well as search engine optimization, website development, and internet marketing consultation. Please contact us for a free proposal and analysis.