With smart phones and tablets saturating the market, the trend is now evident. Mobile usage is beginning to skyrocket. Although most people use desktop during working hours, smartphones and tablets take over during down time, like the early morning commute and winding down before bed. Windy City Strategies analyzes how the move toward mobile affects Internet marketing and how to succeed in the new environment.
Last month Google AdWords updated their platform to an Enhanced version. The switch reflects how society uses the Internet. Nowadays mobile usage dominates desktop users. Since more people are on the go, mobile websites have become a must for businesses. The technology, real estate, and financial services industries have grown the most on mobile, but their industries are experiencing less conversions than they experience on desktop. The same is true for other industries, too. While smartphone usage has grown 125%, mobile only converts at a third of the rate of desktop.
On the new Google AdWords platform, desktop and mobile marketing campaigns are separated. This means, just like desktop, simply having a website doesn’t insure online success. The mobile market can be difficult to conquer, too. With smaller screens, there is less room at the top – literally. On most mobile devices, only the top two search results are displayed, so mobile requires more attention and better tactics. Our mobile marketing team suggests a couple essential tools, like search engine optimization and pay per click campaigns specifically for mobile. Creating a campaign devoted to how your customers use your services on the gives your business an edge over companies that don’t have mobile campaigns at all.
Contact Windy City Strategies today to start your mobile marketing campaign.