What Is Pay Per Click?
Pay per click (PPC) marketing has rapidly become one of the most popular forms of online marketing. What is pay per click, you might ask?
Pay per click ad campaigns are paid keyword search campaigns in which users can click on your business’ ad, directing them to your business’ website, only charging you, the advertiser, a fee each time the ad is clicked.
In order for your campaign to be effective and prevent the loss of potential traffic to your site, it is critical to ensure that you are using valid keywords for your specific business. It is also for this reason that an effective pay per click campaign cannot be done only one time. It will take time, thought, and effort in order to ensure the most success.
Is Pay Per Click Right For My Business?
Here is how you can help drive more traffic to your site with your PPC marketing campaign:

  • Change and improve your campaign ads
  • Expand your keyword lists
  • Organize your keywords and ad groups
  • Analyze the data, improving your actions based on these results
  • Filter unwanted keywords, create a negative keywords list to refrain from using these again
  • Continually monitor your campaign’s progress

It may be essential to hire a PPC and Internet marketing firm, like Windy City Strategies, in order to effectively manage your AdWords account for you. Contact Windy City Strategies, Chicagoland’s leader in Internet marketing and web design.