Let’s face it, social media is essential in the world of Internet marketing. Who hasn’t heard of sites like Facebook, Twitter, or YouTube? However, just like it is in the business world, competition amongst social media seems to be heating up.
According to a new report How Much Media? 2013 conducted by the University of Southern California’s Marshall school of Business, YouTube’s traffic is becoming more frequented and is believed that there is a great chance they will surpass the social media giant, Facebook, within the next few years.
Their report, which consists of research by Nielsen, comScore, analysts and company disclosures, suggests that Facebook’s unique 31 million users from the year 2012 will drop to 14 million by the year 2015.
According to the chart below, it is clear that the possibility that YouTube’s US unique users could surpass Facebook’s users in the not-too-distant future if current trends continue.
This news may come as little shock as a survey conducted by Piper Jaffray was released last week reporting that Twitter now reigns over Facebook, which is now tied for second with Instagram, with their teenage-based users. With so many new social networking sites to choose from, it appears the more niche sites are winning out with the teenage-based users.
The only issue with these studies that we may all be able to agree with, according to the study’s author, is when it comes to comparing one social media network with another, “Measuring social media activity is more an art that a science.”
Facebook may be a thing of the past, but it is not going anywhere for the time being. With all the choices the public has when it comes to social media, it is hard to say when or if Facebook’s time may be up. In reality, it all depends on a matter of preference.
Social media is essential to successfully bringing customers to your website. For help with anything from creating your website to Internet advertising, contact Windy City Strategies to speak with our knowledgeable and professional staff.