In this day and age, more and more people are going online to find products or services, which means you need to have a website that is functional, but yet simple. When we are doing internet marketing consulting at Windy City Strategies, we remind our clients that their website is never done. What we mean by that is, you should be offering new promotions, products, services, etc through the years. Your website should be growing all the time, and not just staying stagnant throughout the years. Keep up with the trends of the market and most of all your competitors.
The search engines like to see new pages being added to websites, it lets them know that it is still an active site, and that it is growing. There are several things you can do to keep a site fresh, like blogging or doing press releases and creating a news tab in your navigation to place these articles. The search engines love blogging, and we highly recommend during our internet marketing consulting sessions to start doing them. Blogging is a great way for you to become an industry leader by offering suggestions that may bring in new customers, because they now see that you know what you are doing. Customers always have questions about something, and your blog can answer those questions for them. It is a great way to expand your reach.
Windy City Strategies account managers have been in the internet marketing industry for over 10 years and will improve your online marketing with our industry leading internet marketing consulting and pay per click management.