It’s estimated that there are more than 468 billion web pages that are spanning the Internet and with more than 570 new websites coming online every minute. It’s crazy how fast websites all over are being made, and every site fits the needs and wants customers are looking for! Look at these tactics and see what you can do to get more interaction.
By content to your pages, quickly and easily start by converting your site to a blog or by adding a blog area to the home page, where you are posting new content. Set up a schedule for when blogs are posted, for example, every Monday, and Friday or every other day if you want. This depends on your website.
Make sure to update all content with images, graphics, or videos to attract more customers to your page. Search is still a primary driver of web traffic daily and most of the search engine algorithms out there will rank sites higher that have fresh new material to show.
The trick here is consistency and this tactic requires commitment, this could take a few months to a year to build up your sites steady traffic stream.
With millions of websites out there they have a singular focus to try and convert visitors into customers. Many sites have that backwards! The truth is those sites have a low conversion rate and it they do somehow make a sale, it’s unlikely for them to generate a repeat business, because their is no relationship that is build up. The key to standing out is by focusing from grabbing quick transactions to building that long-term relationship with those clients.
The number of entrepreneurs who fall back on the old marketing strategy would shock you. When they start selling their products features without understanding their customers needs and wants. With having an online business, it’s very important to build a relationship with potential customers by first giving them what they want.
For more information contact Windy City Strategies.