If you are doing any work for search engine optimization or natural listings you know that competition has gotten fierce, and beyond your on page factors you have the dreaded link building to make you stand out from your competition. There are many companies out there that supposedly do link building, so let’s discuss what you should do and definitely what you should not do.
Things You Should Avoid:
1. The number of inbound links increases dramatically in a short time.
2. Hidden links on your pages.
3. Inbound links coming from irrelevant blogging sites or forums.
4. Receiving inbound links from paid link farms or link exchanges.
5. Linking out to websites that are known web spam sites.
Now what does this mean for your Internet marketing? Plain and simple is avoid doing this. You must really trust your search engine optimization company to create link building for you. many of these links are just devalued to nothing, but there are many areas that are very “black hat” and can do some serious damage to your rankings.
Things You Should Do:
1. Develop your website as a brand and update it consistently.
2. Find industry experts like blogs, forums, media folk, product reviewers, etc and brand yourself with them.
3. Publish press releases with concise information.
4. Publish expert articles.
5. Use social media tools to people that are influential.
6. Launch a blog or forum.
7. Participate in relevant industry associations and events.
Your goal as a company is to strive to be the industry expert while promoting your site. While these methods are not considered the “magic pill,” they are extremely effective.
Windy City Strategies account managers have been in the Internet marketing industry for over 10 years and will improve your online marketing with our industry leading Internet marketing consulting, search engine optimization and pay per click campaign management.