One must give credit where credit is due. Borders is constantly working to make their retail offering as easy and as cool for their customers as possible. Obviously they’re not just doing it for technology’s sake, but in order to be first to market with the new world for book-purchasers everywhere.
Last week, Borders announced a partnership with Google where, with certain books, site visitors could utilize Google Books in order to preview a novel online. Now, Borders is working with Google again to help users understand local merchandise availability.
Starting today, shoppers can use Google’s Local Availability tool in order to locate books and other products available at their local Borders location. This includes quantity in stock, prices, store directions and more. And no other book retailer offers this service yet.
This just in time for the Christmas season, when people wait too late to order gifts online and have them delivered in time for the holidays. And when they know they can see what books are in stock at their local Borders, you can bet people are going to take advantage of the new technology.