One of the greatest way to increase traffic to your site is to use the Google content network. The problem is that most customers don’t know how to use it right, and I can understand why. When you first create your Google Adwords marketing account, you are automatically included into the search network and content network, so you would think, well that has to be the right way. This could not be further from the truth. When we do internet marketing consulting we tell our clients to separate your content network and search network into two separate campaigns, and that is how Google recommends to do it anyway.

First off, you don’t want to combine the data. You are going to see all the data between the search network and content network, and then you are going to have to go into the account and thumb through everything to find out how things are going. By separating the campaigns, you can log in and see how the campaigns are doing without having to go into the campaign, and see which network is getting you the better results, and then make changes. This is going to make everything run much smoother for your pay per click management account, and give you more precise data.

Windy City Strategies account managers have been in the Internet marketing industry for over 10 years and will improve your Google AdWords management with our industry leading Internet marketing consulting, search engine optimization and pay per click management.