Let’s continue discussing how to properly do contextual targeting. We will discuss things you should do to make sure you are doing Google AdWords management properly.
1. Create separate campaigns for search targeted ads and content targeted ads. We discussed this in our previous blog post.
2. Set your bids at the ad group level. Remember that the search terms you have in your account are “themes,” so it does not help to change bids at the keyword level.
3. Base each ad group on a single theme. If you are going after cat supplies, go after that theme. Do not stray into pet supplies. That should be its own theme in another ad group.
4. Test different ad formats. With Contextual targeting you can use text, video or image ads. Different sites allow different things, so make sure to at lease upload and image and text ad. Video is a little tougher to create.
5. Point all ads in a specific ad group to the same destination URL, and the more specific the better. This is self explanatory, like creating specific landing pages in search.
6. Create short theme lists. You don’t need to have hundreds or even thousands of keyword to make your point. Use 10 – 15 words to get your theme across.
7. Use negative keywords. This is a common misconception. You still want to add your negative words, so they can best place your ad on proper content pages.
8. Write specific and compelling ads. Same as search. Make sure you entice the customer to click on your pay per click management ad. Of course, do A/B testing to measure success or failure.
Windy City Strategies account managers have been in the Internet marketing industry for over 10 years and will improve your Google AdWords management with our industry leading Internet marketing consulting, search engine optimization and pay per click management.