As more and more people are moving their advertising dollars to online marketing, I wanted to take a moment to help you understand the Google AdWords marketing billing cycle. At Windy City Strategies this comes up as a fairly confusing topic to clients, because it is based on thresholds for the most part, but like any business owner you want to know when you are billed.
You are billed based on a Google AdWords billing cycle, which starts when you create and activate your Google AdWords marketing account with a debit card, credit card or direct debit. They will now charge you every 30 days unless you reach a certain threshold. The first time your account reaches $50 within 30 days with either clicks or impressions depending on what kind of Google AdWords marketing campaign you are running, Google AdWords will charge you. Then they will allow you to reach $200 within that same 30 days before charging you again.
If you do reach that $200 in the 30 days, you will be charged again, and now your threshold is raised to $350. Now if you accrue $350 worth of clicks or impressions, you will be charged again, and now your threshold is raised to $500 in your Google AdWords marketing campaign, which is the maximum.
You won’t be billed exactly $500 because you will still accrue clicks in your account between the time the billing cycle is triggered and the time the charge is processed, but it will always be around $500.
Your account will now stay at this $500 threshold, and you will not have to repeat the other thresholds the next billing cycle. Google AdWords wants to make sure you can pay for your clicks, which is why they have implemented this system.
Windy City Strategies account managers have been in the Internet marketing industry for over 10 years and will improve your Google AdWords marketing with our industry leading Internet consulting and pay per click management.