I came across this great video with Maile Ohye, the Developer Programs Tech Lead at Google, about five common SEO mistakes and how to remedy them.  Very interesting about how Google has changed from what we call “old” SEO techniques to new straight forward methods.
1.  Having no value proposition – Differentiate yourself from the competition and just don’t assume that you should be #1, because without the ability to separate yourself from others will get you nowhere.  Offer things like free estimates or if you have unbelievable customer service, highlight it.  Without value, customers won’t recommend your product or service or worse, never come back.
2.  Segmented approach – Don’t create a marketing campaign that customers can’t find when they come to your site.  You need to keep their attention and grab them with your knowledge too.
3.  Time consuming workarounds –  Keep up with best practices and avoid hacks that won’t simplify development.
4.  Caught in SEO trends – Stop looking for that magic trick that will boost your rankings, but instead focus of the fundamentals that will bring lasting customers to the website like creating readable, compelling and informative content that keeps a customers attention.
5.  Slow iteration – Stay agile, because if you create an environment that makes testing or making improvements on the website difficult you fall behind.
Here is the video:

Windy City Strategies will help your business soar in the ultra-competitive web marketplace through our proven Internet marketing campaigns. We manage Google, Yahoo and Bing accounts and offer pay per click campaign management services as well as search engine optimization, website development, and internet marketing consultation. Please contact us for a free proposal and analysis.