When you are trying to increase your business’s traffic and sales, it is important to know how effective a local map listing can be to your company. It is essential to have one since you will be found by potential clients easier through major search engines such as Google, Yahoo, and Bing.
To start the process off, you need to have a valid mailing address to use within these search engines. If you are promoting a brand or product, you should create an account through Google My Business for the best results.
Windy City Strategies is here to supply you with these helpful tips on how to get started on Google My Business:
Step 1 – Make a Google account and click on Google My Business
Step 2 – Establish what type of business you represent

Service Area
– You are a business that services customers in a given area. For instance, you are a pizza delivering service.
Storefront – You are a business that stays in one location such as a retail store or restaurant.
Step 3 – Plug in your business information and select your company from the drop-down menu
Step 4 – If your business is not showing up on the drop-down menu, then you are required to enter in your business details. It is crucial for you to enter in all of the information accurately so customers are able to find your business easily
Step 5 – Finally, you will have to verify your business which can be done by phone in a few easy and guided steps
For more information or questions regarding how a local map listing can benefit your business, contact us at Windy City Strategies today.