When possible doctor’s make a point to round with nurses to visit their patients. Doctor’s rely heavily on the nurses to be their eyes and ears when they aren’t by their bedside. They need to do self-reports from bladder habits, bowel moments, pain control to any early signs of infections.
It’s very important for nurses to record all details as possible, because sometimes it’s hard for a patient to remember certain things. For example if i patient is asking for pain medicine every two hours and that isn’t written down or the doctor is being told, something else could be wrong. Nurses need to make sure that every time they go in to check on that patient that things get recorded in the electronic medical record.
Some may think that coordinating nursing rounds with medical rounds could be a nightmare, but if you have patients scattered through the floors of the hospital things make it more difficult. Here are few ways to overcome this.
1. Nursing Sign Out When Changing Shifts
Don’t disrupt them, but simply ask for clarification or offer it at key points during the presentation.
2. Doing Your Rounds When Medicine Is Delivered
Most likely you will run into a nurse in the patients room when it’s time to give them their medications, this is great so if you have questions for the nurse you can ask them.
3. Communication When A Change Occurs
Explain the reason if a series of tests need to be done or if a change in medication changes dramatically. When keeping each other informed about things, it makes great for the future. Setting good guidelines will help spark the interest in joining you for regular rounds.
4. Have the nurses round with you
If your schedule is busy and you can’t join their change of shift, maybe have them go with you on your medical rounds. Talk things through and set careful goals when making these rounds, so your not doubling them.
For more information about how to mange your rounds contact Windy City Strategies.