It was about a month ago that Google’s Matt Cutts mentioned that he would like to see Google make and SSL site a signal in the Google ranking algorithm. While this has not happened yet, this is something many search engine marketing companies have been keeping up to date on.
While many people seems to be upset about this possibility, there could be some good reasons behind it. Have an SSL on a website, particularly for shopping carts is a great way to know if your working with a reputable company. Companies that do not have an SSL enabled might not be as easily trusted. If the SSL signal was to take place sometime in the future it is likely that it would not hold a huge weight within the algorithm. Google will still always want to provide the best user experience and content to users.
We all know the motivation to improve search rankings is a never-ending process, and if making it better is through making sites more secure, this isn’t a bad option. But then again, will Google launch a new algorithm update to penalize website that are more secure in order to influence search engine rankings similar to how it penalizes those websites who try to get links to get better rankings?
While we could spend endless amounts of time trying to figure out all of the Google algorithms, Windy City Strategies will leave the fine details to the Matt Cutt’s of the world and continue to improve clients online exposure by following all the latest updates and approved search engine marketing techniques.
By Alisha Lowans