Whenever an individual or business makes a terrible mistake using social media, we at Windy City Strategies want to make sure we call it out, in order to help us all avoid similar social media gaffes in the future.
Gay marriage is a political volatile subject. And it’s why most companies stay away from the controversy altogether. But, just after the state of New York recently passed a law making same-sex marriage legally binding within the state, Brown Coffee Company tweeted, “No human law can ever legitimize what natural law precludes #SorryFolks #NotEqual #WhyBother #ChasingAfterTheWind #SelfEvident”
Yikes. The company attempted to defend what they meant by “human law” and “natural law”, but most folks aren’t buying it. And some retailers who carry the coffee have decided to cut their business ties with Brown Coffee Company. So, your lesson for the day: Free speech ain’t free. If you want to use your company voice to make a political statement, you better be ready for the consequences of doing so.