Americans are taking advantage of the Internet even more now as they continue to actively search or jobs and less likely to drop out of the labor force than those without Internet access, according to a study done by the Phoenix Center.

According to the study, users are at least 50 percent less likely to give up searching for a job because of discouragement than those not using the Internet. “By connecting Americans to jobs and information about job opportunities, Internet usage feeds hope and encourages frustrated workers to keep on looking even when job prospects are dim,” according to Phoenix Center President Lawrence J. Spiwak. “These findings suggest that broadband connectivity can contribute to economic recovery.”

“Our study also shows the enormous potential benefit of community broadband centers for those who are not connected at home,” Spiwak adds. “While broadband use at home delivers significant benefits, shared facilities can be a valuable solution to connectivity gaps in unserved and underserved communities.”

The U.S. Labor Department’s Bureau of Labor Statistics, who are responsible for the government’s monthly data on employment and unemployment, estimates adding, discourage workers,” as defined by the Bureau, who quit looking for a job as of December 2009, would boost the current U.S. jobless rates above the recent reported 10 percent level.