Do you ever notice weird trends in your Google analytics, and you have no idea why? Well, Google has now created a new program that allows you to annotate directly into your analytics account as long as you have access.
Now you don’t have to run around the office trying to find out why you only received 25% of the clicks you normally get because the server went down for most of the day or when the new website was launched, so you can determine how if performs compared to the old website.
With more and more companies utilizing analytics to supplement their Google AdWords management, this is great because hours of research can now be eliminated as long as the annotation was made. Essentially, your Google analytics annotations can be a log book for all online marketing that was started and/or halted or new website design actions.
Now running many marketing teams, having agencies working on something or something new a webmaster has done, you can see why your conversions or clicks increased or decreased.
Windy City Strategies account managers have been in the Internet marketing industry for over 10 years and will improve your online marketing with our industry leading Internet marketing consulting, search engine optimization and pay per click campaign management.