With the increased importance of Internet marketing, businesses realize the importance of a website. Nowadays business deals begin on your website’s landing page. Within a few seconds, clients decide whether they should ditch your homepage or stay and learn more. Windy City Strategies highlights three winning landing page formulas that encourage clients to stay.
1. Person-Problem-Solution
This format is the trifecta to landing page titles. It speaks to your target audience, it identifies the problem, and it provides a solution. It’s a classic approach, so some visitors could be skeptical. To counter this, however, accompany this tag line with extensive details of your business and a general plan. Tell your audience how you’ll achieve something and show them how you’ll benefit their business.
2. Questioning
Posing questions is another great way to position your product or service. Questioning can expose a problem that some consumers were unaware of. Asking questions, like “When will you dominate search engine results?” or “Is your website being found?”, makes people evaluate their current situation. This evaluation sparks a pursuit for improvement and puts your business in their minds to solve the problem.
3. Pricing
Some of your websites visitors are simply price shopping and won’t spend time clicking through all your website’s pages just to find an answer. This straightforward approach might turn off some visitors, but customers that know what they want will appreciate it greatly. Having a set price gives consumers a guarantee that inclines them to buy and comforts them with is price. Accompany this guarantee with proof though; provide a video demonstration, testimonials, related articles, or endorsements to show your business’s merit.
For more internet marketing and content writing tips, click here.