Your website may look great, but are search engines noticing it? To start building your business’s brand online, you must make your presence known to customers and search engines alike. On one hand your website could be content heavy and bore customers. Conversely your website might be missing things that search engines look for. Optimizing your website to suit search engines’ tastes while still having a fresh look may be difficult. Windy City Strategies suggest the four following tips to achieve perfect balance.
1. Know Your Strong Points
Why do your loyal customers use your business as opposed to your competitors? What makes your business special? If you haven’t considered these questions, find the answers and make it apparent in all aspects of your business. Your website should have an undeniable, unique flair that attracts customers to your entire business entity. This fosters a relationship between your business and your customer, building an ardent following.
2. Understand Your Customer
Your website doesn’t need to follow the latest design trends. Rather your website should suit the tastes of your target audience. If you’re catering to professionals, use sleek and organized looks that appear put together. If you’re catering to a casual crowd, use fun and chic looks that appear young and hip. You don’t want customers to abandon your website out of confusion or frustration. Make it easy for them to navigate, while still engaging them.
3. Write Purposeful Content
Your website’s content is a key component to your website’s visibility. It’s what attracts search engines to your website. However content without purpose is useless. If the content isn’t informative and well-written, then it just takes up space. Content should also include keywords related to your business, but don’t focus on having every keyword possible. Make your content concise, clear, and thoughtful.
4. Review and Revise
Finally, of course, changes to your website should be evaluated. Use tracking software, like Google Analytics, to determine whether changes are advantageous or not. Check to see if your traffic has increased and find where they originate from. Track your purchase volume and cart abandonment rates. If these have improved, your website’s updates just may have been worth it.
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